Wednesday, August 26, 2015

7 Months old!

Emma Lily
~You got rice cereal for the 1st time and kept sticking your tongue out
~you notice your hands and stare at them
~you are great at taking naps
~you say Hey and Dadadada
~you are now starting to cry when people you don't know hold you
Noah Andrew
~you had cereal for the 1st time and did good at eating it
~you love to sleep with the blanket
~you like to stand and try to walk with Mom's help
~you are a professional scooter
~you laugh when I make sounds like a monkey
Judah Stephen
~You're not a fan of rice cereal
~you move around in a circle and backwards on your tummy
~you are starting to notice your hands
~You started to do a plank
~you have a great laugh

6 Months old!

Emma Lily
~You turned over to your tummy
~You like to touch your toes/feet while I'm changing your diaper
~You reach and grab for your toys
~you sound like you say, "Hey!"
Noah Andrew
 ~you started to do planks
~you scoot around the play mat
~you army crawl
~when you cry you say, Mamamamamaa!
~you sleep good during naps and bedtime
~You say baabaa and daddy
~you now drink 7 ounces
Judah Stephen

~you wake up a couple times a night
~You eyes are brown/green
~You are a happy baby
~You are still fussy at times
~You fall asleep in the stroller during walks
~you are usually the 1st to wake up from a nap

5 Months old!

Emma Lily
~You say ah-geee!
~you are giggling more
~you roll to the side
~you got your 1st cold/cough that last for weeks
~you talk/yell very loudly

Noah Andrew
~Had my 1st cold
~turned over from back to tummy
~laugh the most
~started to do push ups
~love being in the bouncer
Judah Stephen
~You are the most cuddly
~You give the sweetest smiles
~You turned over on your tummy
~You are noticing your hands

4 Months old!

Emma Lily

~I heard you laugh for the 1st time
~You are smiling more
~You are starting to put your hands in your mouth
~You are lifting your head higher during tummy time
~You take 2hr naps
~You are starting to 'talk' a lot


Noah Andrew
~likes to take baths
~Smiles and giggles the most
~Starting to drool a lot
~Does great during tummy time
~Gets tired and ready for nap 1st
~tries to talk
~Grabs for toys


Judah Stephen
~Eyes look green
~Starting to talk more
~You had your 1st cold
~You laugh for no reason
~You try and turn over

3 Months old!

Emma Lily
~You started smiling
~You were drinking 5 ounces
~I started to put you on a nap schedule and you did really well
~You are more alert
~You sleep 4-5hr stretches at night
~You are trying to talk by opening your mouth wide


Noah Andrew
~Started on a schedule
~drank 5 ounces
~Likes to look around
~He sleeps the best at night
~Daddy made you giggle
~You make noises at the toys


Judah Stephen

~Started on a schedule
~Smiles a lot more now
~eyes are now blue/gray
~Does well at tummy time
~when you cry it sounds like you say, "nine"
~you put your hands in your mouth
~you laughed for the 1st time

2 Months old!

Emma Lily

~She was awake more often
~She slept more than her brothers
~Her saliva glands started to work, which equals drool
~She wasn't a fan of tummy time, but was doing better at keeping her head up
~She could follow me with her eyes, which were blue/hazel


Noah Andrew

~He is more awake during the day
~He started having tears when he cried
~He loves to be walked around
~He follows me with his eyes
~He holds his head really well
~He gives random smiles
~He sucks on his fingers/fist


Judah Stephen

~He has blue eyes
~He is the fussiest
~He now has tears
~Hi likes to stick out his tongue
~He tries to talk
~He likes looking at his toys

1 Month Old!

Yes, it took this long to update on the past year of their life.  With all the craziness of raising triplets and without having constant access to a computer, it was extremely hard to update.

Thankfully hubby moved our main computer into the kid's playroom, so now I can post about my sweet babies.

Emma Lily

~was the sleepiest of all the babies
~had a unique cry and at times sounded like a cat
~she had a little bit of cradle cap
~she got the hiccups a lot
~she drank her bottle really well
~she was hard to burp
~she had a bad gag reflex

Noah Andrew

~He drank his bottle very well
~He was the easiest to burp
~was the most alert
~He got hiccups a lot
~He has dark brown eyes


Judah Stephen

~Slept a lot
~He made these sweet little noises when he was sleeping
~He had a soft cry
~He got hiccups a lot
~He didn't drink his bottle very well
~He was hard to burp