Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Maternity Photo Shoot

I was blessed with having my maternity pictures taken this past Sunday.  My good friend, Meghan, is looking to start up a side photography business and told me she wanted to take my pictures.  I was looking into maternity photography and it can get expensive for a photo session, so this was definitely a blessing.

We started off in front of a church where they had a beautiful little rose garden in front.  Lawrence, Taylor and I got to take a good amount of pictures together, which was nice to have them included.

We dropped of Lawrence and headed to Vasona Park.  This place is a gem for photographers.  While we were there, we seen about 4 other photographers there taking pictures. We ended up with some great shots, especially towards the end of the shoot when the sun was going down and the lighting was perfect.

We wanted to do some pictures in the nursery, but ran out of time.  We will be getting together again to more pictures next week and I'm so excited!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

23 weeks and 2 day Ultrasound

We had a great ultrasound appt on April 29th.  Every month we go in for a growth scan to make sure all babies are growing at the same rate and measuring along with the week I'm at.  All 3 were measuring about 23 weeks 4-5 days.  They measured the circumference of the head and abdomen and looked at the  kidneys, bladder, femur bone and heart.  

We asked the tech if he could go over their parts again to make sure we still have 2 boys and a girl and we still do.  Our baby girl is 1.7lbs and both boys are 1.6lbs.    Everything is looking great!

They also measured my cervix which is now 3.5cm.  The tech said anything above 2.5cm is great, so thank God for that!

Here are a couple of ultrasound pics we got from that scan.  The upper left pic is our baby girl, she seems to be taking advantage of the space she has right now by stretching out her legs.  Hubby says they looks like frog!  On the right of that pic is all 3 of there heads together.  Baby girl (A) is on the bottom and her head is on my left, your right and the boys are currently doing break dancing moves.  Both boys are upside down and that's how we got to get a pic of all 3 heads together.  Bottom pics are baby C, left pic is of his spine and on the right is his head with one of his siblings photo bombing with their foot.

It's crazy to think each one already has their own personality.  Baby girl is very relaxed and when we've seen her on ultrasound, she is either sleeping, curled in a ball or just hanging out without much movement.  Baby B is going to be a handful and is the one I feel the most.  He is always moving around and his kicks/punches are very strong.  Baby C is in the middle, he moves more than his sister, but very subtle moves.  Should be interesting to see if that's how they will be when they are here.

The great thing about being pregnant with triplets is the continual monitoring and ultrasounds I get.  From now on I will get a call from a nurse every Tuesday at 5pm to check in on me and see if I have any questions or concerns.  I also have to monitor how many contractions I am having twice a day.  For an hour, I have to lay down on my side with my hands on my belly to feel for contractions that last more than 35 seconds.  If I have more than 6 in an hour, then I have to call the nurse.  So far I haven't had many.

At 28 weeks, I will have to start doing 'kick counts'.  I will have to place my hands on my belly and feel for 10 kicks or movements within an hours time.  If not, it's a cause for concern and I will have to call the nurse.  I asked the nurse how do I go about doing kick counts with 3 babies and she said for now just count what ever movements I feel.  I don't think I will have a problem getting 10 kicks in an hours time :)