it not been
for infertility, I would never have had the opportunity to be the mother Taylor
needed in her early years of growing up.
it not been
for infertility, I would never have learned how to communicate with my hubby the way we do now.
it not been
for infertility, I would never have known how to trust God through His silence.
it not been
for infertility, we would not have experienced the comfort of God in great
it not been
for infertility, we would never have sought God and His will for our lives the
way we have.
it not been
for infertility, I would have never been able to share my faith with many
others that are going through the same struggle.
it not been for
infertility, I would have never have met the wonderful women from all over the
world on my “Christian Ladies Trying to Conceive” thread that have been my encouragement and the wonderful Coordinators, Medical Assistants, Nurses and Doctors that gave me such great care and were Cheerleaders for us through the whole process.
it not been for
infertility, I would have never known the strength God gives you to make it
through each season.
it not been for
infertility, I would have
never known the love and support of family and friends through tough times.
it not been for
infertility, I would have
never experienced each step of the fertility process in which I got to
see the cells in the embryos divide for the first time and many other exciting
steps of pregnancy that others don’t get to experience.
it not been for
infertility, I would have
never developed the patience I need to be a mother to a preteen and triplets.
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