It was such a beautiful day! When the Director was giving a speech, I started to feel one of the babies moving. I grabbed hubby's hand and placed it on my tummy, he took his hand away with a surprised look on his face, he had just felt the baby move for the first time. He placed his hand back on my belly and felt it again. I'm guessing the little one was giving him a high five for his! The look on Lawrence's face was priceless. It was first a look of shock and then quickly turned into a look of amazement. He won't admit this, but I definitely saw his eyes water a bit.
On Sunday morning I got to sleep in a bit, because I knew we were going to have a busy day. We headed off the the A's game at 1pm and thankfully came across nice people in the parking lot, who allowed us to park a little bit closer than everyone else because I'm pregnant. Another beautiful, but hot day at the game. We enjoyed some pizza and snacks while hoping for a win. THEY WON!
After the game, we had some time to kill before the Warriors were going to play. We headed to the car so I could change from my A's gear to Warriors gear and since we had awesome seats, we decided to head in early to watch the team warm up.
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Yup, we were that close! |
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3 Pointers = Triplets!!! |
Nana and Papa love reading all about this journey!!!! Congratulations LB!! You da MAN!!!!