Here I am at 33 weeks and 5 days. I was heading to The Cheesecake Factory to meet up with my coworkers for lunch.
Here I am at 34 weeks and 2 days, the same day I delivered. I was getting ready to go in the hot tub to relieve some back pain. The Dr said it was ok for me to use it as long as the temp was under 98 degrees and it helped tremendously.
Here is my delivery story.
Because of my high risk pregnancy, I had to take my blood pressure daily to make sure it was int he safe zone. The Dr wanted me to call the Nurse if it was over 150/90. On July 14th, I checked my blood pressure around 8pm and it was 160/97. I waited a bit and took it again and it was still high. I called the Nurse and they said they wanted me to come in to check me, this would be the 3rd time we've gone in and something told me that this could be it. I took a shower and got all of my stuff ready to head to the hospital. On our way there, Lawrence said a prayer that everything would go well. We checked in and they put us in an observation room, which was really uncomfortable. Of course we had to take a picture of our last night being pregnant.
We were super tired from being in that observation room from about 9pm until 3am.
They hooked up the contraction monitor and checked on the babies heart beats, all was good except my blood pressure. The on-call Dr said that since my blood pressure wasn't going down and my labs came back a little off, she said I should deliver right away since I was right at the pre-eclampsia stage. We had the option of staying and waiting it out or to go ahead with the c-section. Lawrence asked me what I wanted to do and I asked him what he thought. He said that it's up to me since I was the one carrying them and feeling uncomfortable. I opted to do the c-section because I knew the babies were at a good weight and that they would be just fine being born a week before our scheduled c-section. Once we let the Dr know what we wanted to do, they moved us into a delivery room, which had a more comfortable bed. They started the admitting process and were getting everything ready for the c-section.
Here is a little video clip of me before heading to the operating room.
There were about 10-12 staff members in the operating room. In the picture below, they are putting on leg massagers to help keep the blood flowing.
Waiting for my babies to come into this world.
And it begins...
Emma Lily was Baby A and came into this world at 5:23am, weighed 5.04lbs and was 18.25 inches long.
Noah Andrew was Baby B and came into this world at 5:24am, weighed 4.12lbs and was 17 inches long.
Judah Stephen was Baby C and came into this world at 5:25am, weighed 5.6lbs and was 17.75 inches long.
They couldn't bring Judah to me because he was having difficulty breathing.
Emma and Noah were fine after delivery, but Judah couldn't breathe on his own and needed to be rushed to the NICU to get breathing treatment. They had him in the incubator with an oxygen mask for a day and then had an oxygen tube by his nostrils the next day.
I will come back and update about their stay in the NICU soon. It's now time to go feed the crying babies :)
Huge Congratulations to you all. I hope all is going well with your gorgeous babies.