Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Babies Are Here!!!

First of all, I want to say thank you to all who have been praying for us during this journey and I'm sorry I didn't update this blog sooner.

Here I am at 33 weeks and 5 days.  I was heading to The Cheesecake Factory to meet up with my coworkers for lunch.

Here I am at 34 weeks and 2 days, the same day I delivered.  I was getting ready to go in the hot tub to relieve some back pain.  The Dr said it was ok for me to use it as long as the temp was under 98 degrees and it helped tremendously.

Here is my delivery story.

Because of my high risk pregnancy, I had to take my blood pressure daily to make sure it was int he safe zone.  The Dr wanted me to call the Nurse if it was over 150/90.  On July 14th, I checked my blood pressure around 8pm and it was 160/97.  I waited a bit and took it again and it was still high.  I called the Nurse and they said they wanted me to come in to check me, this would be the 3rd time we've gone in and something told me that this could be it.  I took a shower and got all of my stuff ready to head to the hospital. 

On our way there, Lawrence said a prayer that everything would go well.  We checked in and they put us in an observation room, which was really uncomfortable.  Of course we had to take a picture of our last night being pregnant.

We were super tired from being in that observation room from about 9pm until 3am.

They hooked up the contraction monitor and checked on the babies heart beats, all was good except my blood pressure.  The on-call Dr said that since my blood pressure wasn't going down and my labs came back a little off, she said I should deliver right away since I was right at the pre-eclampsia stage.  We had the option of staying and waiting it out or to go ahead with the c-section.  Lawrence asked me what I wanted to do and I asked him what he thought.  He said that it's up to me since I was the one carrying them and feeling uncomfortable.  I opted to do the c-section because I knew the babies were at a good weight and that they would be just fine being born a week before our scheduled c-section.  Once we let the Dr know what we wanted to do, they moved us into a delivery room, which had a more comfortable bed.  They started the admitting process and were getting everything ready for the c-section.

Here is a little video clip of me before heading to the operating room.

There were about 10-12 staff members in the operating room.  In the picture below, they are putting on leg massagers to help keep the blood flowing.

Waiting for my babies to come into this world.

And it begins...

Emma Lily was Baby A and came into this world at 5:23am, weighed 5.04lbs and was 18.25 inches long.

Noah Andrew was Baby B and came into this world at 5:24am, weighed 4.12lbs and was 17 inches long.

Judah Stephen was Baby C and came into this world at 5:25am, weighed 5.6lbs and was 17.75 inches long.

They couldn't bring Judah to me because he was having difficulty breathing.

Emma and Noah were fine after delivery, but Judah couldn't breathe on his own and needed to be rushed to the NICU to get breathing treatment.  They had him in the incubator with an oxygen mask for a day and then had an oxygen tube by his nostrils the next day.

I will come back and update about their stay in the NICU soon.  It's now time to go feed the crying babies :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

33 Weeks 2 Days

We had our weekly Dr appt and fetal monitoring today.  Blood pressure, weight and protein in urine are still good.  It was a short visit, he did an ultrasound to look at the hearts and made sure there was still good fluid surrounding them.  Everything was looking so good he decided he didn't need to do a pelvic exam.

The Dr did send me home with test strips to check my urine for traces of protein and I will have to do this daily.  If the protein level is high, it could be a sign of preeclampsia.  We are praying that I will not have any complications arise and that all will be well when I arrive at the hospital.

My Dr will be leaving Friday with his family to Puerto Rico for a week, so I will be seeing a nurse practitioner for next weeks appt.  I'm praying that we can make it to the c-section date so my Dr will be there.  I can't believe we will see these precious little ones in 2 weeks!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Back to Labor and Delivery

Saturday, June 28th at 12:15am we headed back to Labor & Delivery.  Since the last time I was there, I had a discussion with my Dr and he upped my contraction count from 7 to 9.  That means if I had 9 or more contractions in a hour, I would have to call the preterm labor nurses to let them know.

We headed to San Mateo to pick up Taylor from her grandparents house, since they just got back from a 2 week trip to Yellowstone National Park.  On our way home, around 8:30pm, I started my contraction count.  I had 11 contractions in about 45 minutes, so when we got home I drank 2 glasses of water and recounted.  This time I had 13 contractions in an hour and had to call it in.  They told me to head to the hospital to get checked out.

We were praying we would have a better experience this time around, especially since I had an email from my dr stating there isn't a need to do the fetal monitoring, only to check me and make sure I'm not dilating and do an ultrasound to check the babies.

We were seen very quickly and they did a physical check and I am still at 1cm with my cervix measuring almost 3cm, which is still great.  They brought in the ultrasound machine and all babies were doing well.  I asked what could be the reason for all of these contractions and the dr said that since I'm carrying triplets, my uterus is being overly stretched and can cause it to contract.  My urine analysis was good and so was my blood pressure, so they released us.  It was really nice to be rolled out of the hospital while it was still dark outside.

With all these contractions, hubby doesn't think we will make it to our c-section date.  We will see, only God knows when they will make their arrival.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

31 weeks and 3 days

Today we had our monthly growth scan.  I can't believe how much these babies are growing and shifting around in my belly.

A month ago Baby A (girl) weighed in at 2.6lbs and now is a whopping 4.5lbs.

Baby B (boy) weighed in at 2.6lbs and is now 3.12lbs.

Baby C (boy) weighed in at 2.4lbs and is now 3.10lbs.

All are measuring on point for where I'm at in my pregnancy, which is always nice to hear.  Heart rates are good and each sac has good amount of fluid.

Thank you Lord for another great appointment.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Labor and Delivery, Here I Come!

Having a high risk pregnancy means I have to get monitored and monitor myself closely to check for pre-term labor signs.  Last night at 8pm I started doing my contraction counts and for multiples, it needs to be no more than 6 per hour.   I drank some water and started my timer.  After the hour was up, I had 7 contractions.  The booklet they gave me states to call Labor and Delivery at that time, but then I read they would just have you re-do it.  So I emptied my bladder, drank 2 glasses of water and restarted.  I now had 8 contractions.   I called the Labor and Delivery Department and they wanted me to do one more monitoring session.  I drank 2 more glasses of water and did it again which ended in an 8 count of contractions.  They told me to come in because the Dr wants to have me checked out.

The Dr came in and did an exam and stated I was 1cm dilated, which wasn't a concern and my cervix is around 3.5, which is still great.  Since I was good, they wanted to monitor the babies heart rate for about 20 minutes to see how they are holding up.  The Nurse had no idea how to monitor 3 babies.  He brought out the ultrasound machine to find out where they were and see where the hearts were to be able to put the monitors in the right place.  He placed the monitors and then left the room.  We were there for about 20-30 minutes and then they were concerned because 2 of the heart beats were very similar and they weren't sure if they were missing one of the babies.  We did this over and over and were very tired and agitated by that point.  Thankfully they called my Dr and asked him what they would like done in this situation.  My Dr told them to look at the ultrasound and if the heart beat was good, they had good fluid in each sac and were moving, then to release us.  Thank God for Dr Meyer!!! 

We got there a little after midnight and left a little after 6am.  What a tiring day, but so grateful that all is well.

Here are some pics hubby took during our 6hr stay.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

30 Weeks and 2 Days

We had a Dr appt on 6/17 and everything is still going well. My cervix is still closed and I'm showing no sign of dilation. Blood pressure and weight are good, just trying to deal with this nerve pain I'm having in the front of my right thigh.  I believe baby girl is pushing against a nerve.  Every time I get up from sitting or laying, I feel like a nerve is being pinched and then it's fine after I walk a couple of steps.  Praying she moves out of that position because it hurts getting up.

Speaking of the Princess, here she is...

We talked to the Dr about scheduling our C-section and he said he had put us on the schedule for July 21st.  I then asked if we could push it a couple days later to the 23rd, since hubby wanted that day because 23 is Michael Jordan's jersey!  The Dr didn't mind and they had a 10:30 slot open, so we are now on the schedule for that day.

From now on I will be going to the Dr's every week.  Next Tues is our growth scan, so I'm guessing they will be a little more than 3lbs each.

I'm so thankful that all has been going well.  Lately I've been super exhausted and am very glad this is my last week of work.  Looking forward to some much needed rest and relaxation.  I also have some organizing I need to do around the house. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

28 weeks 2 days

We had a Dr appt yesterday and we pretty much got all same information as we did at our growth scan last week.  Cervix is still nice and long, around 4cm and all babies were doing great.  Baby B was the only one to show face again, he looked like he was looking up with his chin held high.

The only thing that wasn't great was my iron level, which is showing I'm slightly anemic.  Dr recommended I take iron supplements with orange juice.  The orange juice helps the body absorb more of the iron.  Thankfully I don't have gestational diabetes since I'm at a higher risk of getting it since I'm carrying multiples.  I told the Nurse Practitioner that I was gonna pray that my pancrease would function properly and do what it needed to do in regards to regulating the insulin in my body.  When I saw her she agreed that God was definitely answering my prayers.

We discussed scheduling my c-section and before he had said he wanted me to get to 34 weeks, but now he says since I'm doing so well, he wants me to to get to 35 weeks.  My Dr will be in Puerto Rico the 34th week and coming back just in time to deliver my precious little ones.  I told him that worked out great so he will be nice and relaxed when taking my babies!  He agreed and said he would be coming back a little heavier since he loves Puerto Rican food.  I love my Dr and I'm so thankfull that he is knowledgable and has a fun personality and likes to joke around like we do.

A couple of weeks ago I started cutting back my work hours to 6 instead of 8 and It has helped tremendously.  I'm using my vacation time to take of the 2hrs and I only have enough vacation to last until June 20th, which I believe is going to be my last day of work.  I need to rest and slowly take on projects around the house to make sure we are ready for the babies.

Our next dr appt is June 17th and we are going to keep believing that God is going to continue to help me through until the day of my c-section.

Monday, June 2, 2014

27 Week 2 day Growth Scan

This is our monthly scan to make sure all babies are measuring as they should for being as far along as I am.  Taylor got to come with us to this appointment since it was later on in the day and we really wanted her to experience this exciting time with us.

It is very difficult to lay on my back since the pressure of my belly is bearing down on me and is very uncomfortable.  I'm not looking forward to our next one on June 24th, since I'm sure I will have grown tremendously in a months time. 

The ultasound tech started looking around and Tay had no clue what she was looking at.  The tech would explain what part of the body she was measuring and Tay was in total! It is always such a joy to see my children developing as they should.  Everyone is measuring perfectly.  Baby A (girl) and Baby B (boy) are weighing in at 2.6lbs and Baby C (boy) is weighing in at 2.4lbs.  I have 7lbs of baby in my belly!!!  Some more great cervix is measuring in at almost 4cm, which is pretty awesome!

We are so thrilled that all is going well and look forward to more positive news at our upcoming appt on June 3rd.

26 weeks 2 days Appt and Glucose Test!

Sorry, I'm a little behind on my posts.

We had a Dr appt on May 20th and all was GREAT!

Our Dr was running behind as usual, so we got to see a Nurse Practitioner.  Her name is Sharon and she was very nice, informative and answered all of our questions.  She wanted to check the length of my cervix (which is important that it stays above 2.5cm at this time), the amniotic fluid in each sac and the babies heart beats.  When she started the ultrasound she complemented my uterus on how beautiful it looked, which is a little strange…lol!  Then went on to measure the cervix which measured at around 3.5cm, which is great. 

Sharon said all looked great and she couldn’t ask for anything better.  She said that I needed to go to the lab within the next week to check my glucose and make sure I don’t have gestational diabetes.  She said having triplets puts me at a higher risk.  I told her we will begin to pray that my pancreas does its job in regulating the insulin.

I went to the lab on May 28th to drink the delicious, sugary orange drink and wait an hour there before they take my blood.  The number needs to be below 139 and my results came back at 97!  Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Maternity Photo Shoot

I was blessed with having my maternity pictures taken this past Sunday.  My good friend, Meghan, is looking to start up a side photography business and told me she wanted to take my pictures.  I was looking into maternity photography and it can get expensive for a photo session, so this was definitely a blessing.

We started off in front of a church where they had a beautiful little rose garden in front.  Lawrence, Taylor and I got to take a good amount of pictures together, which was nice to have them included.

We dropped of Lawrence and headed to Vasona Park.  This place is a gem for photographers.  While we were there, we seen about 4 other photographers there taking pictures. We ended up with some great shots, especially towards the end of the shoot when the sun was going down and the lighting was perfect.

We wanted to do some pictures in the nursery, but ran out of time.  We will be getting together again to more pictures next week and I'm so excited!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

23 weeks and 2 day Ultrasound

We had a great ultrasound appt on April 29th.  Every month we go in for a growth scan to make sure all babies are growing at the same rate and measuring along with the week I'm at.  All 3 were measuring about 23 weeks 4-5 days.  They measured the circumference of the head and abdomen and looked at the  kidneys, bladder, femur bone and heart.  

We asked the tech if he could go over their parts again to make sure we still have 2 boys and a girl and we still do.  Our baby girl is 1.7lbs and both boys are 1.6lbs.    Everything is looking great!

They also measured my cervix which is now 3.5cm.  The tech said anything above 2.5cm is great, so thank God for that!

Here are a couple of ultrasound pics we got from that scan.  The upper left pic is our baby girl, she seems to be taking advantage of the space she has right now by stretching out her legs.  Hubby says they looks like frog!  On the right of that pic is all 3 of there heads together.  Baby girl (A) is on the bottom and her head is on my left, your right and the boys are currently doing break dancing moves.  Both boys are upside down and that's how we got to get a pic of all 3 heads together.  Bottom pics are baby C, left pic is of his spine and on the right is his head with one of his siblings photo bombing with their foot.

It's crazy to think each one already has their own personality.  Baby girl is very relaxed and when we've seen her on ultrasound, she is either sleeping, curled in a ball or just hanging out without much movement.  Baby B is going to be a handful and is the one I feel the most.  He is always moving around and his kicks/punches are very strong.  Baby C is in the middle, he moves more than his sister, but very subtle moves.  Should be interesting to see if that's how they will be when they are here.

The great thing about being pregnant with triplets is the continual monitoring and ultrasounds I get.  From now on I will get a call from a nurse every Tuesday at 5pm to check in on me and see if I have any questions or concerns.  I also have to monitor how many contractions I am having twice a day.  For an hour, I have to lay down on my side with my hands on my belly to feel for contractions that last more than 35 seconds.  If I have more than 6 in an hour, then I have to call the nurse.  So far I haven't had many.

At 28 weeks, I will have to start doing 'kick counts'.  I will have to place my hands on my belly and feel for 10 kicks or movements within an hours time.  If not, it's a cause for concern and I will have to call the nurse.  I asked the nurse how do I go about doing kick counts with 3 babies and she said for now just count what ever movements I feel.  I don't think I will have a problem getting 10 kicks in an hours time :)

Monday, April 28, 2014

Baby Shower, April 26th.

What a great shower!  My mom did an excellent job making everything look perfect. This was her 1st time throwing a shower for one of her grandchildren, so she went all out.

We had about 60 guests show up which included family, good friends from my old job, my church family and some special guests that I haven't seen in years.

It started at 3:30 and we ate lunch around 4pm.  The food that was served was turkey/roast beef croissant sandwiches, roll up sandwiches, salad, macaroni salad, fruit, veggies, bean dip, chips and drinks.  The top layer of the cake was marble with custard and the bottom was my favorite, white with strawberry filling. Everything was delicious, especially the fruit.

The guests played games while I made my way around each table to say hello and make sure I had the chance to greet everyone.  It was such a pleasure to see all these wonderful women come out to celebrate this day with me.

We got a bunch of diapers, wipes and Target gift cards.  We also got a lot of the essentials we needed and of course not many could stay away from buying us baby clothes.  The babies will be nice and warm this winter since each baby got 3 handmade blankies and a nice soft one from Nana.

I'm so blessed!!!  Thank you Lord for touching my body that day, that I was able to make it through without feeling sick.

We are in the process of organizing things and hopefully can get it all together before these little ones come.  If you came to my house right now, you would think you stepped into a baby store :)

Friday, April 25, 2014

Breakfast Baby Shower!

Today I had my 1st baby shower!

The amazing people I work with threw me a breakfast baby shower this morning. We played baby bingo, play dough baby, baby word scramble, guess size of momma's belly and 'Don't say baby' games.

Today was also 'wear your favorite team's jersey', so that explains me in Warrior gear.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

22 Week Dr Appt.

Yesterday was our Dr appt and to be honest, I was a little nervous.  I was nervous that the Dr wasn't going to be happy with my weight gain, since I have only gained 11 lbs.  Thankfully he didn't mention anything about it, so I guess I'm doing ok.  My blood pressure is good and the main thing we prayed for was a long, strong cervix (a shortening cervix can indicate preterm labor).  The Dr saw mine and said it was like a mile!  Woohoo! Praise God, we will continue to pray that it stays that way until the perfect time for delivery.

The Dr had a look at the babies and all is well.  Our baby girl was curled up on the bottom and one of the boys looked like he was sitting on a recliner.  It's a pretty fast ultrasound, as they mainly check to see the heart beats and my cervix.  We go in for our 1hr and 1/2 growth ultrasound on April 29th, this is where they measure everything to make sure their growth is on track.

The past couple of days I haven't been feeling so well.  I feel like I'm back in the 1st trimester with morning sickness and it's no fun!  I asked the Dr how could this happen since the medication I've been taking has been working great.  They say it could be from something I ate or a surge in hormones.  I'm guessing it's a surge because my hips have been aching quite a bit and I'm guessing they are stretching to make room for the growing babies.

Yesterday evening as I was relaxing on the recliner, I decided to look at my bare belly and see if I could see any movement.  I've read that now is the time you could see it and to my surprise, I did!  At first glance, my belly looked a little lopsided, then it evened out.  Then I felt a little thump, the skin on my belly quickly popped out and went back to normal. The sad thing is, no one is ever around when this cool stuff happens.  So I grabbed my phone and started to record my belly to see if I could catch it to show Lawrence.  Sure enough, I caught one little thump.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Horse Races, A's and Warriors!

Saturday morning we had to be out of the house by 8am to make it to the horse races in Berkeley by 9am, where my husband's company award ceremony was being held.  I'm so proud of hubby, he got an award for being the 3rd top sales rep in his category.

It was such a beautiful day!  When the Director was giving a speech, I started to feel one of the babies moving.  I grabbed hubby's hand and placed it on my tummy, he took his hand away with a surprised look on his face, he had just felt the baby move for the first time.  He placed his hand back on my belly and felt it again.  I'm guessing the little one was giving him a high five for his!   The look on Lawrence's face was priceless.  It was first a look of shock and then quickly turned into a look of amazement.  He won't admit this, but I definitely saw his eyes water a bit.

On Sunday morning I got to sleep in a bit, because I knew we were going to have a busy day.  We headed off the the A's game at 1pm and thankfully came across nice people in the parking lot, who allowed us to park a little bit closer than everyone else because I'm pregnant.  Another beautiful, but hot day at the game.  We enjoyed some pizza and snacks while hoping for a win.  THEY WON!

After the game, we had some time to kill before the Warriors were going to play.  We headed to the car so I could change from my A's gear to Warriors gear and since we had awesome seats, we decided to head in early to watch the team warm up.
Yup, we were that close!

3 Pointers = Triplets!!!
It was a blowout game and I'm so happy I got to go one last time before these precious little ones show up.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Gender Announcements and Nurseries and Baby Registries, Oh My!

What a long, but great weekend we just had. It all started off on March 28th at 10:15, which was our ultrasound appt to find out what we are having.  Little did I know the appointment wasn't just to find out the sexes, it was a thorough ultrasound where they measured EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING.  They measured the femur bones, legs, arms, skull, kidneys, the amount of fluid in each sac, the curve of the spine, the lips to make sure they don't have a cleft lip and much, much more.  I love watching Lawrence stare at the screen and shake his head in amazement of God's glorious creations.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.Psalm 139:13

We gave the ultrasound tech (Susan) a card and had her write out what the sex was of each baby.  We were there for about 3 hours since there are 3 babies to measure and we got to know Susan very well. We got to tell her a little bit about our story and how we met and she shared her life story with us. She told us she has been doing this job for about 30 years and has specialized in Maternal-Fetal High Risk Multiple Pregnancies.  She told us that if she didn't see the private parts or was unsure, she would say just that and have us come another time, but thankfully the children were cooperative and showed Susan what she needed to see.  During this time, Lawrence and I were getting bombarded with texts and Facebook messages asking us what time is our appt and letting us know how anxious they were to find out.

Finally, the appt was over and we were on our way home with the white sealed envelope in my purse.  At that time, only God, Susan and my Dr knew what we were having.  We got Tay out of school an hour early and then delivered the card to my wonderful neighbor, Sam.  Sam was on her way out to pick up a little girl she looks after from kindergarten, so she said she would be right back and get to working on our presents.  about 15min later I hear a knock on the door, there she is standing with a bag that is holding the boxes.  How exciting and nerve wracking!  Tay and I set the boxes out in front of us while we were waiting for Lawrence to get off a business call.  

Finally, it was time to open up the boxes, I was extremely nervous and excited.  Taylor got to open hers first and once she pulled out the pink onesie, I couldn't help but scream...YAY!!!.  Then it was my turn.  I grabbed the box and opened it and it was a boy onesie, I'm sure Lawrence let out a sigh of relief on that one.  Then Lawrence's turn...another boy!  That is what we guessed all along, 2 boys and a girl.  God is good and definitely gave us our hearts desires.

Saturday, we made our way to Home Depot looking at paint colors.  I already saw a room I liked on 
Pinterest that had gray walls with white wainscotting, it looked really nice and we both agreed that is what we wanted.  We got the gray paint and Taylor and Lawrence started working on painting the room that evening.  The walls are now done and we are blessed to have a brother-in-law (Sean) who will do the wainscotting on the walls as a gift.  How awesome is that?!?!?
Now that I know what we are having, it's so much easier to put the baby registry together.  At first I had two going, one with BabiesRus and the other with Target.  I decided to just stick with Target since BabiesRus had the same things but at a higher price.  It's pretty crazy to think of all the things the babies need.  Thankfully we don't have to buy clothes, swings or playmats, my sis-in-laws (Erica and Lizzy) are letting me borrow theirs.

God is so good and has already been providing for our little ones.  We have received 9 packages of diapers and wipes, a box of girl clothes and a box of boy clothes is on the way.  I have also learned that a co-worker has 4yr old triplet girls and I got to talk to him for a little over an hour yesterday and was blessed with all the knowledge he gave. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Is That The Babies Moving???

One of the most exciting moments in pregnancy is when you feel those first little flutters of your baby kicking. But wait, I didn't feel any flutters.  I started second guessing what I felt because all I ever heard about was it felt like flutters, gas bubbles, a tickle and a twitch.  Last week I felt something like a muscle spasm and a little electric zap that didn't hurt.  I decided to do a Google search about it and thankfully found other women who had the same feelings as me.

Yesterday, Lawrence and I were in the backyard setting up some patio furniture and as he is putting it together while I was sitting there started to feel a lot of little muscle spasms from where Baby C is.  Baby C was definitely making him/herself known.  It's so amazing! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Need Encouragement While Waiting For your Miracle Baby???

In December 2011,  I had convinced myself I was pregnant, so I started searching the internet for the signs and symptoms of pregnancy. While in my search I came across a site called, "Baby and Bump".  This site is for anyone who is in the beginning stages of trying for a child, all the way to pregnancy.  I clicked on many threads of women discussing their pregnancy symptoms, or what they thought were symptoms, and a lot of what I read was very discouraging.  Ladies would rant on and on about their situations and were very negative and I knew that was not what I needed.  I needed to find a thread on the site where there were other women who shared the same faith, so we could encourage each other, but I couldn't find one.  Ding! The light went on in my head...I should start a thread myself!  And that is how it all started.

If you are one that needs encouragement during your waiting, please click on the link below and it will take you to the thread.  You can read stories of how God has worked in so many women's lives all over the world and each of them with their own unique situations.  We share devotions, scriptures, our personal struggles, the ups and downs of this journey and most importantly, we pray for each other.  The cool thing is, there have been almost 200 women who have stopped by the thread to share their store and many others who just log on to read without ever posting.

Some women have already had 2 separate pregnancies since joining the thread and there are some who are praying if adopting is the right option for them.  It's been a joy to get a chance to be a part of these women's lives and I'm honored that they would share their journey with me.

Here is the link to the thread I started Jan 1st 2012

Monday, March 17, 2014

2 more weeks…

Until we find out what genders these 3 little blessings are!  I have to be honest, I am a little nervous because I would really like at least one boy and one girl in there and I don’t have a preference of what I would like the 3rd  one to be.  Of course, first and foremost I want them all to be healthy.  I have had a couple of dreams where there is at least one girl in there and I know Tay would love to have a sister and my mom would love to have a granddaughter to dress up.  If they end up being all boys, then I know God has a reason for it and I will be blessed no matter what.

I have been trying to figure out the statics on percentages of having all boys, all girls, 2 boys and 1 girl and 2 girls and 1 boy and thankfully I found this picture that cut out the work for me.

 I say we have a pretty good shot of having at least one girl or one boy at 87.5%.

Tay and I went shopping this past weekend for some baby clothes for our gender reveal.  I'm not going to spill the beans on how we will do it, you will just have to wait and see.

Here is my prediction...


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

How did the Dr appt go???

The purpose of this visit was to find out if I had any concerns or questions regarding the pregnancy, to check the babies to make sure all looks good and to start measuring  my cervix to make sure it's not opening or shortening.

As soon as we checked in and sat down to wait to be called back to the exam room, I was starting to feel really anxious.  It's been about a month since I've seen my little ones and I couldn't wait to know how they were doing and see how much they've grown.

The Dr walks in and the 1st question is, "How are things going?".  I let him know that I have been doing much better since taking both anti-nausea meds and that I tried not taking them and it was a disaster.  He said to continue on for as long as I need.  Then he looks at the chart and noticed my weight gain wasn't up to par with what he would like to see, but I told him I was trying.  I have now gained back 13lbs of the 14 I lost in the 1st trimester, so that's progress!  He told me to try and get extra calories in from whatever I can tolerate eating...hmmm, Ice cream, cheesecake, chocolate and pizza???  lol!  Funny thing is, I don't even crave those things.  He told me to try Ensure to help boost the calories and I told him I drink that already and it's DELICIOUS, he laughed and said that's great, continue with that.

Now it's time to look at those babies!!!  There was an intern that was in the room with us, so she did the ultrasound while he was explaining to her what we were looking at.  Can you guess what the intern Dr's name was???  Dr. Brown!  This time the ultrasound machine seemed to be on extra maximize, the babies were huge and filling up the whole screen.  I'm used to seeing these little humans wiggling around, but this time they were giants.  

I love the thumbs up! It's like Baby C is saying, "Don't worry Mom, everything is good in here!".

I told Lawrence it's still not real to me.  I see them on the ultrasound screen and my belly is surely growing, but can't comprehend that they are developing in MY womb.  It's still very surreal and I really wonder when I'm going to realize that those precious babies are MINE and are growing healthy and strong in MY womb. I'm guessing reality will hit me when I can start feeling them move.  I can just picture it now...I'm at work and all of a sudden I got a leg using my lungs as a soccer ball, then a fist punching my stomach like a punching bag and hopefully the other will be sleeping at that!  It sure is amazing getting to experience each step of pregnancy, I've always dreamed of being where I am now.  

At the end of the visit Lawrence asked, "So, everything you seen today is right on track and you don't see anything that can be a concern?"  Dr said, "No, everything looks great for this stage".  WOOHOO!!!

Thank you Lord for giving me the opportunity to experience the joys of pregnancy and allowing me to be a mother to these 3 precious children.  I am forever grateful and give you all praise and glory and I pray our story reaches out to many and that they will have hope in you.