Friday, February 28, 2014

A Must have item...A Fetal Doppler!

It seems like forever since we have seen our little loves on the ultrasound machine.  Our next Dr appointment isn't until March 11th, it seems like so far away.  For now I have to rely on my faith and symptoms to know everything is okay and they are developing perfectly in my womb….but wait…I do have something that can give me reassurance until the time we get to see our babies….THANK GOD FOR FETAL DOPPLERS!!!
This little device has put smiles on our faces  countless times.  I had purchased it the 1st time I found out I was pregnant back in March and never had the chance to use it.  When I was 9 weeks and 6 days, I found it, dusted it off and asked Lawrence if we could check and see if we can hear something.  It was a no go!  I looked up the reviews on the unit we bought and some women heard a heartbeat at 10 weeks, but said you have to be patient because it may take minutes to find it.  So the next day at 10 weeks, we gave it another shot.  The unit has two places to insert headphones, which is awesome so we can hear it at the same time.  I laid down and he began to put the gel on my tummy, which was not nice and warm like at the doctor’s office, it was freezing!  As soon as Lawrence put the doppler on my stomach, we heard the heartbeat of a baby for the 1st time EVER.

The Doppler Pro
The Doppler Pro Assistant
Jr Doppler Assistant

Soon after, Lawrence became a doppler pro.  We would listen every couple of days and now know how to find each baby to listen to each ones heartbeat.  Can you say amazing???  Their heartbeats sound like galloping horses, it's the best sound.

Best $30 investment!

How the AngelSounds Fetal Doppler works:

The AngelSounds Fetal Doppler is a genuine ultrasound fetal doppler which works on the principle of measuring the blood flow through your baby's heart. The AngelSounds Fetal Doppler uses the ultrasound effect to make your baby's heartbeat clearly audible.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

God Winks

My family has been through a lot these past 6 years and I sometimes joke that our life could be turned into a Lifetime movie, but God has been so good to us and has granted us such a sense of peace through everything. I have witnessed God’s hand throughout our entire journey with infertility in more ways than I could ever fit into a single entry (we will refer to these moments as “God Winks,”) I’ve ended up at a doctor’s office where the staff has become like family. I can talk to my doctor about our faith and the major moral realities of infertility treatment. I know that the staff constantly said prayers for us, even though they didn't share the same faith as Lawrence and I.

And for those of you who are asking how I could possibly be thankful or at peace during this time, or for those of you who have that “If God is so great, how could this be His plan for you, when plenty of ‘unfit’ mothers have no problem getting pregnant” mentality, I say to you this: How can you not see God’s hand in all of this?

Medically, I fall into the "Unexplained Infertility" category.  My body has responded perfectly to medications. We have produced beautiful embryos every.single.time.  I’ve been poked/prodded/drained of blood more times than I can count. While it’s possible that there is something we’re missing, there’s a very real reality: It just wasn't ‘our time’ yet.

Maybe I’m naive. Maybe I’m being too simplistic. If that’s the case, I’m okay with it. 1 Samuel 1: 27 states, “For this child, I have prayed.” For this child. For this child. I know that when my children arrive and I hold them in my hands, it will make perfect sense. At that moment, I will know that those children are children of our destiny. Those were the babies that God specifically chose for us. Not Gingy (our first baby who we called 'Gingy' since in the ultrasound the baby looked like a gingerbread man), not the twins from our second cycle, but the ones that are developing in my womb this very moment.
I’ve always found tremendous peace in knowing that looking back, everything worked out and fell into place exactly the way it was supposed to. To me, that is no accident. That is God’s hand in our lives. Five, ten, even twenty years from now, we will look back on this journey and we will be able to see how things have fallen into place without accident. It’s like when you’re caught up in fog, and you can’t even see the water beneath you, but you know it’s there. Eventually, the fog burns off, and things are exactly where they’re meant to be.

For those of you going through infertility (or any other trying situation) I think it’s very easy to fall into the questioning mentality of “Why me?” You know what? Every time that whole “Why us?” thing has popped into my head, it has immediately been replaced with a thought of “Why NOT us?” (And that’s a God Wink.) There’s a reason that God chose this journey for us. It’s all a part of our adventure.

*Parts of this post were taken from a woman named Loren who has faced this IVF journey and is still praying and believing for her miracle.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Had it not been for infertility...

Had it not been for infertility, I would never have had the opportunity to be the mother Taylor needed in her early years of growing up.
Had it not been for infertility, I would never have learned how to communicate with my hubby the way we do now.
Had it not been for infertility, I would never have known how to trust God through His silence.
Had it not been for infertility, we would not have experienced the comfort of God in great trials.
Had it not been for infertility, we would never have sought God and His will for our lives the way we have.
Had it not been for infertility, I would have never been able to share my faith with many others that are going through the same struggle.
Had it not been for infertility, I would have never have met the wonderful women from all over the world on my “Christian Ladies Trying to Conceive” thread that have been my encouragement and the wonderful Coordinators, Medical Assistants, Nurses and Doctors that gave me such great care and were Cheerleaders for us through the whole process.
Had it not been for infertility, I would have never known the strength God gives you to make it through each season.
Had it not been for infertility, I would have never known the love and support of family and friends through tough times.
Had it not been for infertility, I would have never experienced each step of the fertility process in which I got to see the cells in the embryos divide for the first time and many other exciting steps of pregnancy that others don’t get to experience.
Had it not been for infertility, I would have never developed the patience I need to be a mother to a preteen and triplets.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Our Journey

This has definitely been the craziest journey of our lives, but I'm thankful from what we've learned through it.   God is good and He proved time and time again that He will never leave or forsake us.